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Baby skin characteristics

Baby skin characteristics

The skin of newborn baby become mature in 3 years. Therefore, its structure and function differed from that of adult. It had several properties as below:

1.Thinness of baby skin is only 1/10 comparing that of adult because the surface of baby skin is monolayer cell but that of adult is multilayer cell.Baby skin lacked of collagen fiber so as to adsorb external sustance easily.

2.There is a weak acid membrane on the surface of baby skin for protecting. But it is easy to be effected or damaged through the change of its pH value.

3.The cuticle of baby skin is fresh and sensitive.It shows the poor resistance to dryness or irritation.

4.Baby skin is easy to be burn by UV rays from sun light beacuse it constain seldom melanin.

5.Baby skin is easier to be effected by temperature.